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Eclipse MicroPen®

Automated micro-needling is an innovation in aesthetic medicine for the treatment of the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and the improvement of the skin’s texture, tone and color. The skin’s repair process helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and enhance skin elasticity. The Eclipse MicroPen® is an advanced medical-grade automated micro-needling device used to treat minor scarring related to acne, wounds, and aging.

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Microneedling or otherwise known as “Collagen Induction Therapy” creates controlled tiny micro-channels in the skin. By methodically creating these tiny perforations, we can activate your body’s natural healing process. Your body will sense that it needs to repair those micro-injuries, and will begin to rapidly generate collagen and elastin. These new skin fibres keep your skin looking youthful, firm, and radiant.

Microneedling’s superpower is that it harnesses your body’s own incredible healing abilities. By promoting new cell production, microneedling tells your body to give you fresh and more youthful skin. This is also a perfect time for absorption of topical serums to increase the benefits of this deep exfoliation. It has been proven to show amazing results time and time again. 

Benefits of this timeless treatment range from reduction of acne scars, enlarged pores, age spots, pigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles.

The Eclipse Micropen® Elite can be used on all parts of the body:

  • Face, Neck & Décolleté

  • Arms & Hands

  • Abdomen

  • Legs & Back


What does micro-needling feel like?
Micro-needling has a sensation that is similar to light sand paper gliding on the skin. Some areas are more sensitive than others, the speed of the Micropen® Elite’s reciprocating tip makes the treatment more comfortable.

How long does the treatment take?
The treatment takes approximately 20-40 minutes depending on the area we are treating. Add in 20 minutes to numb your skin for more a more comfortable experience.

What is the downtime?
Immediately after the treatment you will notice a redness to the skin and you may feel slight tingling or tightness. The complete healing time depends on how many overlapping passes were performed and your skins’ own ability to heal. On average, patients experience redness for 2-4 days. Some patients heal completely in 48 hours.

When will you see results?
You will notice an immediate glow to your skin. Over the course of several weeks you will see changes to the texture and vitality of your skin. Results continue to improve up to 6 months after treatment. We always recommend you use beneficial products such as the FILLMED NCTF135HA, Zein Obagi Growth Factors Serum, Teoxane Hyaluronic Acid Serum or various other medical-grade (paraben-free, botanical based) products to help achieve and maintain your results!

How many Treatments will you need?
Some patients only require a single treatment once a year to achieve their desired results. However we highly recommend most of our patients receive a series of 2-3 treatments spaced over 6-8 weeks apart. Patients with significant scars or skin concerns are recommended to have 6-8 sessions at 6 week intervals.

If you are looking to enhance your results even more, you can also pair the procedure with radiofrequency (RF) or PRP. Make sure to check out our EndyMed Instensif RF Microneedling page as well!

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